Four Most Valuable Gifts You Can Give To Your Children

Gifts child

Giving gifts increases love and the exchange of gifts strengthens the relationship. If the gift is valuable, the relationship is stronger. Also, if the gift is suitable for our needs, it gives new life to our relationship. Giving and receiving gifts plays a important role in our lives.

If we succeed in giving these four gifts to our children, not only will our relationship with our children become much deeper and stronger, but their personality will begin to develop because these gifts are so precious.

Quality Time Is a Gift

Time is the greatest blessing of Allah. Children need your presence and time more than your gifts.

Give your children quality time.

As you start spending time with your child, you will begin to bond, and it’s very valuable to him or her.

Give time to children. Cut the screen time short, and listens to them, make them comfortable by listening to their day-to-day activities. By doing this they will not feel alone, and this feeling is very powerful

Gift them Books

Just as exercise is essential for a healthy body, reading books is essential for a strong and healthy mind.

Gift books to the child according to their mood and age

Set a time to read books in silence with them, ideally before bed at night. The child will get used to reading books because of your attention and love and encouragement.

Give them Self Confidence

Self-confidence opens all closed doors and solves all problems. I think that the main reason for the big collective and individual problems that we are facing in our academic and professional life is the lack of confidence. As confidence begins to grow, life becomes calmer and anger subsides

There are ways to instill confidence in children, Discipline in daily routine, Provide positive feedback and praises, Increase physical activity, and give them opportunities to make decisions and solve problems on their own.

Gift is love for one another

Last but not the least, the love between father and mother is a priceless treasure for their children. It gives them self-confidence.

Now after reading the blog you must have guessed that what you can do….. Children need praises, feedback on their efforts and need accomplishments. We should guide, encourage them and recognize their progress and hard work.


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